旅行 需要帶什麼?為你整理5大醫生私心推介 旅行健康貼士!

旅行 需要帶什麼


旅行 需要帶什麼?為你整理5大醫生私心推介 旅行健康貼士!

旅行必備 醫生處方旅行平安藥

旅行 需要帶什麼?暑假將至,相信不少港人已計劃出外 旅行 ,出發前都會列出一系列的 旅行 必備小物。除了帶定衫褲鞋襪、叉電線、轉插、當地交通卡等之外,準備 旅行平安藥 也是必不可少的一個項目!楷和醫療急症科專科梁玉驚醫生表示,出發旅行前可經醫生進行簡單諮詢,處方 旅行平安藥 ,更建議預備個人病歷翻譯本,並審視個人健康需要及目的地風險,及早接種預防疫苗。

旅行 出發需準備平安藥

勿輕視 旅行平安 預備病歷翻譯本

醫生處方 旅行平安藥 服務,會按個人病歷進行簡單諮詢,並針對外遊常見疾病處方平安藥,當中包括退燒藥、傷風敏感藥、腸胃不適藥等十款藥品。


旅行 出發前需準備個人病歷翻譯本

按旅行目的地風險 進行旅遊醫學諮詢




醫生私心推介 旅行健康錦囊

  1. 配備 旅行平安藥 (按此了解
  2. 按當地語言,準備個人病歷翻譯本
  3. 自行煮食蔬菜包及食水果,以防便秘
  4. 可為小朋友自備盒裝粟米粒,豐富膳食纖維
  5. 以香蕉配搭雪糕,既吸引小朋友又有助消化

Travel Medicine Pack with Prescription Medicines

Travelers’ Must-have Item – Doctor’s Prescribed Travel Medicine

Summer vacation is around the corner. Travel medicine is a must-have item when planning the trip. “It is recommended to have a basic consultation with a doctor and prescribe travel medicines before journey. Also, preparing a translated medical record and examining health requirements with the risks at the destination to get vaccinated as early as possible”, Dr. Leung Yuk Luen, an Emergency Medicine specialist from Chiron Medical stated.

Importance of Travel Medicine & Translated Medical Record

“Doctor’s Prescribed Travel Medicine” service, which provides a basic consultation and prescription of ten travel medicines on alleviating common travel illnesses symptoms like fever, cold, allergy and gastrointestinal discomforts, etc.

Besides being equipped with travel medicine, travelers should also prepare a translated personal medical record in local language. “Most people no longer have the energy to list out their detailed medical records when getting sick, hindering proper treatments because of inaccurate translation.” Dr. Leung said. Even if traveling to frequently visited areas like Japan and Korea, the awareness of travel medicine and the translated medical records should not be underestimated.

Conduct Travel Health Consultation, Based on Destination

In addition, if there are higher risks of public health issues at the destination, a detailed travel health consultation is needed to ensure the healthy journey. According to the destination in Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, doctors would check the specific health advice and vaccination requirements. “During the detailed travel health consultation, we will also make advice and prescribe proper medications; for example, to alleviate high altitude syndrome in Tibet by taking the medications 2 days before ascending and strongly advised not to run fast and be aware of heart rate, etc.” Dr. Leung stated.

Furthermore, getting vaccinated earlier is highly recommended to the hepatitis endemic destination so as to produce adequate antibodies. “The first dose of Hepatitis A vaccine must be taken at least two weeks before departure, so take it early.” Dr. Leung said. We encourage everyone to have travel medicine, understand health advice and vaccination requirements before the trip.

Doctor’s Recommendations on Travel Health Tips

  1. Equipped with Travel Medicine
  2. Prepare a translated medical record
  3. Eat more vegetables and fruits to prevent constipation
  4. Bring the corn in pack for kids to enrich their dietary fiber
  5. Prepare banana split to attract kids eat more fruits for digestion




【楷訊】6月號 – 旅行平安藥包 | 旅遊健康錦囊 | 惜食堂

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