What are the symptoms of fatty liver? Health Expo summarizes 6 fatty liver knowledge for you



What are the symptoms of fatty liver? What is the cause of fatty liver? What are the foods that people with fatty liver should not eat? How to improve fatty liver disease? Last week, Dr. Ng Sui Cheung, a specialist in gastroenterology and hepatology, participated in the 17th Health Expo to share health knowledge about fatty liver. If you missed the physical event, don’t worry, the Kaihe team has integrated 6 key points about fatty liver for you.

What is fatty liver?

When the fat in the liver exceeds 5% of the total weight of the liver, it is called fatty liver.

How many people in Hong Kong suffer from fatty liver?

Nearly 27% of people in Hong Kong suffer from fatty liver. Regardless of whether you are fat or thin, you might be at risk.

Fatty liver symptoms

Fatty liver can cause liver inflammation, which can lead to fibrosis and cirrhosis, which may even be irreversible. Liver fibrosis and early cirrhosis have no symptoms at all and can only be detected through examination.

Causes of fatty liver

The main cause of fatty liver is visceral fat accumulation.

Fatty liver Checkup

Ultrasound examination cannot accurately detect whether liver fibrosis is present; if fatty liver has been detected by ultrasound, you should undergo a liver fibrosis scan to detect the degree of liver damage.

Fatty liver improvement

Fatty liver disease can be improved by losing weight. If you have fatty liver due to alcohol addiction, avoid drinking as much as possible.

Alcoholism can lead to fatty liver

Make an Appointment for Fatty Liver Checkup

For information or inquiries about the disease:

Central: 2530 0006 (Specialist) 2155 2355 (General)
Tsim Sha Tsui: 2157 3840 (Specialist) 3619 0835 (General)
WhatsApp:Click here

Chiron Medical Clinic Address – Make an appointment for a health check to detect fatty liver early

1. Chiron Medical Central Clinic

Room 2601-04 & 06-08, 26/F, 9 Queen’s Road Central, Central, Hong Kong(Google Map

Tel.: 2155 2355

2. Tsim Sha Tsui Clinic

2nd Floor, Podium Plaza, No.5 Hanoi Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon (Google Map

Tel.: 3619 0835

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