3D Mammography Myths Debunking |【Breast Health Warrior 】 EasyKnow Series



Does a mammogram hurt due to breast compression? What are the steps involved? Are slim women suitable for mammograms? Fear is often something we create in our minds; We invite you to spend 2 minutes with our Part 1 Radiographer, Connie, as she dispels the myths surrounding 3D mammography. You’ll discover that mammograms are not scary at all!

Clinic Locations

1. Central General Practice Clinic

Address: Room 2601-04 & 06-08, 26/F, 9 Queen’s Road Central, Central, Hong Kong(Google Map

WhatsApp: Click here

Tel.: 2155 2355

2. Tsim Sha Tsui General Practice Clinic

Address: 2nd Floor, Podium Plaza, No.5 Hanoi Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, KowloonGoogle Map

WhatsApp: Click here

Tel.: 3619 0835

FemWell Women's Health Centre

Address: 2/F, Podium Plaza, 5 Hanoi Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon

WhatsApp:Click here

Tel.: 2157 3846

Know More about FemWell: Click here

10 Recommended Medical Information

【乳房健康關注組】醫師Know 系列 – 醫生教你分辨乳房是否有事

[Breast Cancer Awareness Month] Treat Female Well - The first event to distribute hand cream is about to begin!

3D Mammography Limited Time Offer


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產前講座 – 婦產科專科醫生講解懷孕常識

卵巢癌復發率高 術後化療及PARP抑制劑減惡化

