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Food Angel – Flu Vaccination Community Activity

The 2024/2025 annual influenza vaccination plan has officially begun. Chiron is dedicated to safeguarding community health. Our medical team visited "Food Angel" to administer seasonal flu vaccines to nearly 100 seniors. Doctors remind us that older adults are at higher risk for complications from the flu, so it’s advisable to get vaccinated as soon as possible. Generally, seasonal flu vaccinations should be arranged before the winter flu season to give the body adequate time to boost immunity against the flu virus.


Chiron will continue to serve the public, care for the community, and provide comprehensive and professional medical services.

Learn more about the flu vaccine:Click here

Make an Appointment for Flu Vaccination

WhatsApp:Click here

Chiron Medical – Flu Vaccination Site

1. Central General Practice Clinic

    Room 2601-04 & 06-08, 26/F, 9 Queen’s Road Central, Central, Hong Kong(Google Map
    Tel.: 2155 2355

    2. Tsim Sha Tsui General Practice Clinic

    2nd Floor, Podium Plaza, No.5 Hanoi Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon (Google Map
    Tel.: 3619 0835

    Corporate employee discounts

    Chiron Medical has set up a separate corporate vaccination arrangement. If interested, pleaseWhatsApp 56979379for enquiry.

    10 Recommended Medical Information

    Quadrivalent Vaccination Plan for 2024/2025. Reserve Flu Vaccine Now

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