【楷訊】12月號–冷凍治療有效舒緩鼻敏感| 楷和出席香港婦協晚宴
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每年一次體檢 及早發現健康問題
- 全面身體檢查 Comprehensive Health Check
- 男士健康檢查 Men’s Health Check
- 女士健康檢查 Women’s Health Check
- 心臟風險檢查 Cardiac Risk Assessment
- 中風風險檢查 Stroke Risk Assessment Screening
- 腸胃鏡檢查 Colonoscopy & Gastroscopy
- 兒童眼科視光檢查計劃 Children Eye Examination
- 乳房定期檢測 Regular Breast Screening
- 白內障檢測 Cataract Assessments
- 眼睛篩選檢查 Comprehensive Eye Screening Program
尚有更多身體檢查計劃,Click here了解更多。
專題分享:約八成港人鼻敏纏身 | 冷凍治療有效舒緩敏感
預約諮詢 鼻敏感
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10 Recommended Medical Information
Quadrivalent Vaccination Plan for 2024/2025. Reserve Flu Vaccine Now
[E-Newsletter] Dec Issue – Cryotherapy Offers Effective Relief | Dinner Organized by the Hong Kong Federation of Women
December Issue’s Full Version
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Get an annual check-up to identify potential health issues early
The new year is coming, have you had a check-up this year? We provide the following health check plans:
- Comprehensive Health Check
- Men’s Health Check
- Women’s Health Check
- Cardiac Risk Assessment
- Stroke Risk Assessment Screening
- Colonoscopy & Gastroscopy
- Children Eye Examination
- Regular Breast Screening
- Cataract Assessments
- Comprehensive Eye Screening Program
For more health check plans details, please click here to know more.
Topic Sharing: About 80% of Hong Kongers Suffer from Allergic Rhinitis: Cryotherapy Offers Effective Relief
In Hong Kong, approximately 80% of the population experiences symptoms of allergic rhinitis. Dr. Kevin Chan, an ENT specialist at Chiron Medical, notes that, when symptoms severely affect daily life, it’s crucial to seek prompt treatment, such as adopting “conservative treatment” approach or cryotherapy. Cryotherapy is an innovative therapy, which is a quick and more effective procedure than traditional treatments. It reduces reliance on medications and their associated side effects, offering an alternative option for managing nasal allergies.
Make an Appointment for Allergic Rhinitis Consultation
WhatsApp: click here
Phone: 2530 0006
Chiron Participated in the Dinner Organized by the Hong Kong Federation of Women
Chiron Medical is privileged to participate in the dinner organized by the Hong Kong Federation of Women in October, commemorating the 75th anniversary of the People’s Republic of China cum Inauguration of Honorary Presidents. We received a special certificate of appreciation from the organizers, recognizing our support and contributions to women’s affairs. In the future, Chiron Medical and FemWell will continue our efforts to provide quality wellness management and medical services for more women and strive to promote social harmony and health.