【楷訊】9月號 – 限時優惠:3D乳房X光造影檢查 及 骨質密度檢查 |「腳中風」知多啲


  • 限時優惠:3D乳房X光造影檢查 及 骨質密度檢查
  • 「腳中風」知多啲
  • 3D乳房X光造影檢查 及 骨質密度檢查 是什麼


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限時優惠:3D乳房X光造影檢查 及 骨質密度檢查

1. 3D乳房X光造影檢查

From now until November 30, 2024, you can undergo 3D mammography at a 30% discount.

Make an Appointment for 3D Mammography

WhatsApp:Click here

Tel.: 2157 3846

2. 骨質密度檢查(DEXA)

即日起至2024年11月30日,即可以半價優惠體驗 骨質密度檢查 。

Make an appointment for Bine Densitometry (DEXA)

WhatsApp:Click here

Tel.: 2157 3846




預約檢查 血管外科疾病

WhatsApp:Click here

電話:2530 0006

3D乳房X光造影檢查 及 骨質密度檢查 是什麼

What is 3D Mammography?

The latest 3D mammography technology is a significant improvement over traditional 2D mammograms in both effectiveness and patient experience. The advanced technology in 3D mammogram is able to minimize breast pain without compromising the effectiveness of the exam by applying just enough amount of weight for no more than 4 seconds to produce more than 10 images. As a result, the procedure is much less painful and uncomfortable for the patient, while still enabling rapid detection of potential breast issues.

3D乳房X光造影常見問題:Click here

What is Bone Densitometry (DEXA)?

Bone density scans (DEXA) are a common way to assess bone loss. Using two different energy X-rays, the scan analyzes the bone density in the spine and hip. It's a safe, quick, and painless process that takes only about 10 minutes.

骨質密度檢查常見問題:Click here

12 Recommended Medical Information

新式宮腔鏡冷刀切除術 治療子宮肌瘤及瘜肉

妊娠毒血症可致高血壓及蛋白尿 產前檢查助及早控制

子宮肌瘤可由珍珠奶茶引發? 拆解肌瘤迷思

子宮內膜異位症可致日以繼夜經痛 咖啡因是致病元兇?

卵巢癌復發率高 術後化療及PARP抑制劑減惡化

脊椎關節炎可致全身僵直 本港有1%人口患病?

脊椎關節炎只影響脊椎? 長遠可增心臟病及中風風險

長期腰背痛可源於脊椎關節發炎 1方法助準確斷症

下肢血管阻塞嚴重可截肢 年過60及吸煙者高危

中風人士5年內再中風機率達兩成 找出成因預防二度中風

肝癌與肝硬化息息相關 微創手術減出血量康復較快

癌症化療常致噁心與嘔吐 醫患溝通助處方有效止嘔藥

[E-Newsletter] Sept Issue– Special Offer: 3D Mammogram & Bone Densitometry Test (DEXA) | Peripheral Vascular Disease (PVD)

Featured contents of this issue

• Limited time offer: 3D mammography and Bone Densitometry Test (DEXA)

• Learn more about Peripheral Vascular Disease (PVD)

• What is 3D mammography and Bone Densitometry Test (DEXA)

September Issue’s full version

Download: click here

Limited Special Offer: 3D Mammogram and Bone Densitometry Test (DEXA)

1. 3D Mammography

You can get the 3D mammography with a 30% discount at FemWell before it is gone on November 30, 2024.

Make an appointment for a 3D Mammography now

WhatsApp:click here

Tel.: 2157 3846

2. Bone Densitometry Test (DEXA)

You can get the Bone Densitometry (DEXA) with a 50% discount at FemWell before it is gone on November 30, 2024.

Make an appointment for Bone Densitometry (DEXA)

WhatsApp:click here

Tel.: 2157 3846

Learn more about Peripheral Vascular Disease (PVD)

Coldness, and pain in your foot, calf muscle discomfort,

especially if it affects your walking, could be signs of peripheral vascular disease (PVD).

Make an appointment for vascular surgery

WhatsApp:click here

Tel.: 2530 0006

What is 3D Mammography and Bone Densitometry (DEXA)

What is 3D Mammography?

The latest 3D mammography technology is a significant improvement over traditional 2D mammograms in both effectiveness and patient experience. The advanced technology in 3D mammogram is able to minimize breast pain without compromising the effectiveness of the exam by applying just enough amount of weight for no more than 4 seconds to produce more than 10 images. As a result, the procedure is much less painful and uncomfortable for the patient, while still enabling rapid detection of potential breast issues.

3D Mammography FAQs: click here

What is Bone Densitometry (DEXA)?

Bone density scans (DEXA) are a common way to assess bone loss. Using two different energy X-rays, the scan analyzes the bone density in the spine and hip. It’s a safe, quick, and painless process that takes only about 10 minutes.

Bone Densitometry (DEXA) FAQs: click here