After medical diagnosis, the doctor will explain the diagnosis, disease and treatments in detail. However, patients may get difficulties in understanding the medical jargons, pros and cons of various medical treatments, risk of each treatment, etc, and thus fail to make a decision right at the moment.
Seeking a Second Medical Opinion could help patients know more about the diagnosis, disease and treatment options, so that one can further make the life-defining decision that best suits him/herself.
Importance of Second Medical Opinion
Confirm the diagnosis to be correct and well-defined
Confirm all required diagnostic tests to be completed
List out all possible treatment options and relevant risk
Eliminate unnecessary invasive procedure or treatment
Plan for future medical care and rehabilitation in advanced
Benefits & Limitations of Second Medical Opinion
Equip with more medical knowledge, strengthen one’s ability to make a decision that best suits oneself
Provide more treatment options, know more about the treatment procedure and risk
Boost confidence in relevant treatment
Limited and provisional diagnosis
Important information of the diagnosis may not be obtained due to the absence of a physical examination
Second Medical Opinion is not intended to replace a full medical evaluation or a face-to-face visit with a physician
Why seeking a Second Medical Opinion in Hong Kong?
Regulated by Statutory Authority
Registration and professional conduct of all medical practitioners are regulated by Statutory Authority
World-Class Standard
Services, academic standards and professional conduct of Hong Kong medical practitioners reach world-class standard
Note: By agreeing to seeking Second Medical Opinion (teleconsultation) with Chiron, you agree and accept the inherent risk of teleconsultation and you further acknowledge that Chiron does not guarantee certain treatment results or complete cure of your conditions.