Brain and Spine
Chiron’s Brain and Spine Minimally Invasive Surgery Centre specializes in dealing with brain and spine-related diseases, providing diagnosis and minimally invasive surgery for patients. Common diseases of the brain and nerves include stroke, hydrocephalus, cerebral artery aneurysm, and trigeminal neuralgia. For spine, common problems include sciatica caused by prolapsed intervertebral disc, spinal stenosis, and spondylolisthesis.
Prolapsed Intervertebral Disc(PID): Sciatica
Spinal Stenosis
Cerebral Aneurysm
Sciatica and paralysis of the feet are common symptoms of spinal diseases, causing problems in daily life. Many people mistakenly think it is ordinary degeneration and delay the best time for treatment. Therefore, if you have any relevant symptoms, it is recommended to conduct early diagnosis and examination. Kaihe's neurosurgeons are highly experienced in the field of minimally invasive surgery. After diagnosing the patient's pain, they will recommend the most appropriate treatment plan based on the patient's condition, and provide minimally invasive surgery if necessary. This option allows patients to recover from cerebrovascular or spinal diseases faster, with smaller incisions and scars than traditional surgeries.
Handled by specialists
All cases are handled by experienced neurosurgery professionals
Short waiting time
Make an appointment now, consultation is usually available within 24-hour
High transparency and reasonable pricing
No hidden charges, and will ensure you clearly understand the medical fee before you pay
All-rounded follow up
Managed by our medical team, from checking, hospitalization to post-surgery treatment
Variety of surgeries
Suggest the most appropriate minimally invasive surgery plan depending on each case
Protect personal privacy
Comprehensive protection will be made for patients’ privacy
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