
出院免找數 邊間好?


出院免找數服務 – 保誠保險與七間本地醫療機構展開策略合作,全面打造以病人為中心的醫療生態系統。出席啟動禮的嘉賓包括(由左至右): 仁安醫院助理院長蘇藹欣醫生、香港浸信會醫院行政及策劃總監黃婉玲、IHH醫療(北亞洲)區域首席執行官兼港怡醫院執行總裁曾慶亷醫生、保誠集團首席健康保障業務總監 Arjan Toor、保誠保險首席客務營運及健康保障業務總監歐陽佩玲、楷和醫療集團行政總裁黃良堯、匡喬醫療集團醫務總監謝俊耀、合作醫療機構代表及全面醫護專科中心董事總經理李嘉豪




Tripartite Collaboration on Prudential, Gleneagles Hospital and Chiron Medical on Medical Expenses Direct Billing Service

Prudential Hong Kong Limited today announced a new strategic collaboration with seven local hospitals and clinics to establish a patient-centric healthcare ecosystem in Hong Kong. Chiron Medical partners Gleneagles Hospital on medical service in which Prudential arrange medical expenses direct billing to the eligible customers to deliver a seamless medical experience with more accessible and better-quality medical protection.

Under this partnership, eligible customers who require surgical intervention after seeking treatment at designated clinics will be referred to the collaborating hospitals for follow-up care. The clinics will seek Prudential’s pre-approval for related medical costs and arrange the Medical Expenses Direct Billing Service on behalf of customers. Following the treatment, Prudential will directly settle the pre-approved medical expenses, making it easy for customers to manage their medical finances and alleviate cash-flow concerns.

Mr. Wallace Wong, CEO, Chiron Medical Group, said: “Chiron Medical aims to provide comprehensive multi-disciplinary treatment, ensuring that patients receive appropriate care and support at every stage, thus contributing to improve treatment outcomes and quality of life. We have forged a strong partnership with Gleneagles Hospital and will continue to collaborate, leveraging our distinct strengths. Furthermore, the collaboration between Chiron Medical, Gleneagles Hospital, and Prudential with direct payments will provide enhanced convenience and tailored services to our valued customers, further enriching their overall experience.”


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