【楷訊】6月號 – 旅行平安藥包 | 旅遊健康錦囊 | 惜食堂

楷和電子通訊(下稱 楷訊)6月號登場,是次重點介紹楷和 旅行平安藥包 、醫生推介旅遊健康錦囊 及 惜食堂。



chiron medical June e-newsletter travel medicine pack

楷和 旅行平安藥包



醫生私心推介 | 旅遊健康錦囊







[E-Newsletter] June Issue – Travel Medicine Pack | Travel Health Tips | Food Angel

The June issue of Chiron Medical E-Newsletter is launched. This episode introduces the travel medicine pack, travel health tips and the Food Angel

Each issue of the E-Newsletter has different topics, focusing on the month’s privilege, health information and CSR activities, so that you can have a more comprehensive understanding of all aspects of Chiron Medical.

Chiron Medical June issue:

 Click here to read the full version

Travel medicine pack: this is a must-have item for travel, and the travel medicine pack launched by Chiron Medical is prescribed by doctors.

Click here to learn about the service

WhatsApp inquiry and purchase: Click here

Travel Health Tips: Would like to complete your entire trip in good health?

Click here to get doctor’s recommendations on Travel health tips

Food Angel: Chiron Medical endeavors to continue our efforts in cultivating wellness and fostering a more caring community.

Click here to learn about past CSR activities organized or participated by Chiron Medical

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氣促、心悸、頭暈眼花? 您可能有心律不正

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