【楷訊】8月號 – 掌上壓挑戰賽 | 治療腎結石新技術 | 楷和及FemWell「100」慶祝活動 | 玩出「花」樣員工活動
- 掌上壓挑戰賽
- 治療 腎結石 新技術
- 楷和及FemWell「100」中環慶祝活動
- 玩出「花」樣員工活動
腎結石 | 治療新技術 擊石效果佳
夏天是腎結石的病發高峰期,楷和醫療泌尿外科專科 鄒衍醫生 獲邀出席港台「精靈一點」節目,講解腎結石成因、症狀、治療腎結石新技術,及預防腎結石貼士。馬上收聽節目:按此
預約檢查 腎結石
Chiron & FemWell 100中環慶祝活動花絮
為慶祝楷和醫療100個月及FemWell100 日,於中環診所舉辦了慶祝活動,再次感謝醫療團隊過往的支持。
Featured content of August issue
- Push up challenge
- Advanced technology for kidney stone treatment
- Chiron & FemWell 100 Celebration Highlights in Central
- Chiron staff glass bonsai workshop
Push up challenge
With the support of the Olympic Games and Sports for All Day, Chiron Medical has put together a series of fitness challenges. The aim is to help people boost their cardio-respiratory fitness and strengthen their core. Let’s all get involved and work towards better health together.
Advanced technology for kidney stone treatment
Summer is typically the peak season for kidney stone occurrences. Dr. Chau Hin Lysander, a Specialist in Urology at Chiron Medical, was recently featured on the RTHK program to share his expertise. He discussed the causes and symptoms of kidney stones, talked about the advanced technologies available for effective treatment, and provided some helpful tips on how to prevent them. You can listen to the full interview here: https://bit.ly/3Wd9c68
Make an appointment for kidney stone checkup
WhatsApp: Click here
Chiron & FemWell 100 Celebration Highlights in Central
To celebrate Chiron Medical’s 100th month and FemWell’s 100th day, a celebration event was held at the Central Clinic. We would like to thank you the medical team once again for their support.
Chiron staff glass bonsai workshop
Chiron Medical actively care about physical and mental health of its employees and regularly organizes employee activities. In July, a bonsai workshop was organised for our employees, leading everyone to make unique bonsai!
膽石 成因是?外科醫生5分鐘詳細講解膽石成因、膽石症狀及膽石治療方法!