【楷訊】10月號 -「粉紅•拾悅」女性關愛活動 | 減少全乳切除心理憂慮重建乳房重拾信心| 楷和企業醫療方案
- 女性關愛活動 「粉紅•拾悅」十月活動
- 減少全乳切除心理憂慮 | 重建乳房 | 重拾信心
- 楷和醫療參與香港人力資源學會舉辦的展覽會 | 推廣企業醫療方案
減少全乳切除心理憂慮 | 重建乳房 | 重拾信心
預約諮詢 乳房相關疾病
WhatsApp: 按此
電話:2530 0006
楷和醫療參與香港人力資源學會舉辦的展覽會| 推廣企業醫療方案
楷和醫療另設企業疫苗接種優惠及安排。如有興趣,請WhatsApp 56979379 查詢。
[E-Newsletter] Oct Issue – Treat Female Well this October | Mastectomy and Immediate Reconstruction | HKIHRM Annual Conference & Exhibition 2024
Featured contents of this issue
- “Treat Female Well” campaign introduction
- Reduce psychological worries of mastectomy | Breast reconstruction | Regain confidence
- Chiron Medical participated in the exhibition organized by the Hong Kong Institute of Human Resources Management | Promoting corporate medical solutions
October Issue’s full version
Download: Click here
“Treat Female Well” campaign introduction
In response to Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October, FemWell Women’s Health Centre will hold a series of activities, including educational health videos, social media promotions, limited-time offers and exquisite gifts, hoping to increase women’s health awareness. We will also work with the insurance agency to organize health education seminars. Stay tuned for more details.
Reduce psychological worries of mastectomy | Breast reconstruction | Regain confidence
Breast cancer is one of the common cancers among women in Hong Kong. After doctors evaluate the condition and treatment methods, mastectomy and immediate reconstruction surgery can be performed simultaneously to restore the breast shape and rebuild the patient’s confidence.
Make an Appointment for a Consultation Mastectomy and Reconstructive Surgery
WhatsApp: Click here
Tel: 2530 0006
Chiron Medical participated in the exhibition organized by the Hong Kong Institute of Human Resources Management | Promoting corporate medical solutions
Chiron Medical participated in the Annual conference and exhibition hosted by the Hong Kong Institute of Human Resource Management last month to introduce our corporate healthcare solutions of multidisciplinary team, health check, vaccination and health education seminars to HR professionals from different sectors.
Corporate employee discounts
Chiron Medical has set up a separate corporate vaccination arrangement. If interested, please WhatsApp 56979379 for enquiries.