平安藥 旅行必備!楷和推出的 平安藥 包更是醫生處方,去旅行時遇到健康問題就冇有怕!
立即查詢及預約 平安藥
楷和旅行平安藥 – 目錄
楷和 旅行平安藥 特色
- 醫生會診
- 醫生處方
- 取藥方便
- 包括退燒藥、傷風敏感藥、腸胃不適藥等藥物
- 遙距援助
楷和 旅行平安藥 售價
售價為 HKD$400。
- 出發前除了配備平安藥物,也應按當地語言預備個人病歷翻譯本。
- 若旅遊目的地公共衛生情況屬較高風險,應提前進行「升級版」詳細旅遊醫學諮詢。
1. 楷和診所自取
楷和中環診所地址:香港中環皇后大道中9號26樓2601-04 & 06-08室 (Google Map)
電話:2155 2355
楷和尖沙咀診所地址:九龍尖沙咀河內道5號普基商業中心2樓(Google Map)
電話:3619 0835
楷和 旅行平安藥包 查詢或購買
【Chiron Medical’s Introduces Essential Travel Medicine Pack That Includes Top 10 types of medicines】
Chiron Medical introduces prescribed travel medicine service that is based on individual medical history to provide a simple consultation and a travel medicine pack targeting common travel-related illnesses including medicines for fever, cold and flu, gastrointestinal discomfort, and more. Patients can conveniently pick up the medicines at the clinic or have them delivered to their home🏠.
Travel medicine pack’s price: HKD$400
In addition,
– Travelers should also bring a translated version of their personal medical history, according to the language of the destination.
-If the public health situation at the travel destination is considered high-risk, an “enhanced” detailed pre-trip travel medicine consultation should be conducted.
For more information, please reach out to us:
WhatsApp:Click here
Central clinic’s address: Room 2601-04 & 06-08, 26/F, 9 Queen’s Road Central, Central, Hong Kong (Google Map)
Tel.: 2155 2355
Tsim Sha Tsui clinic’s address: 2nd Floor, Podium Plaza, No.5 Hanoi Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon(Google Map)
Tel.: 3619 0835