Gastrointestinal Screening
To most of the citizens, stress and irregular eating patterns may lead to stomach pains and other symptoms such as indigestion, heartburn, etc. Also, the symptoms of early stage of gastric cancer are not obvious, Gastroscopy check-up acts as an important role in early detection and treatment of gastric cancer.
During the Gastroscopy, the doctor will use a gastroscope, which is flexible and has a diameter less than that of a little finger, to examine your oesophagus, stomach and the first part of your small bowel called the duodenum. Also, the doctor may need to take some tissue samples (biopsies) from the lining of your upper digestive tract for analysis. The samples will be retained for examination under microscopy. It can help examine for diseases of the stomach such as ulcers, bleeding, tumors and Helicobacter pylori infections.
Suitable for person with below symptoms / situations:
• Abdominal pain, indigestion, heartburn
• Vomiting, difficulty swallowing
• Anaemia
• Suspected of having polyp or tumor
• Family history of gastric cancer
• Helicobacter pylori infection
• Severe indigestion
• Smoking habit
Preparing for Gastroscopy
• The gastroscopy could be done in endoscopy centres or in hospitals, and could select under local anesthesia or monitored anesthetic care.
• Patient is required not to eat anything at least 6 hours before the test.
• You must let the doctor know if there is a chance that you might be pregnant.
• You should also inform the doctor of the drugs that you are on, especially drugs that affect your blood glucose levels and clotting.
As a most common cancer in Hong Kong, Colorectal cancer ranked second among all fatal cancers*. As the symptoms of Colorectal car are not easy to discover, it is important to undergo regular checking in order to detect and follow up the illness as soon as possible. In many cases, colonoscopy allows accurate diagnosis and treatment without the need for a major operation.
During a colonoscopy, the doctor uses a colonoscope, a long, flexible, tubular instrument about 1cm in diameter that transmits an image of the lining of the colon so the doctor can examine the whole large intestine from rectum to sigmoid colon to the junctions of the small intestine for any abnormalities such as polyps, bleeding, tumors etc. The colonoscope is inserted through the rectum. If the doctor sees something that may be abnormal, small amounts of tissue can be removed for analysis (called a biopsy), and abnormal growths, or polyps, can be identified and removed.
Suitable for person with below symptoms / situations:
• Unexplained abdominal pain
• Blood in stools
• Change in bowel habits
• Family history of colorectal cancer
• Screening for colorectal cancer
• Suffer in ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease
• Diets tend to be high in fat and low in fibre
• Smoking and drinking
Preparing for Colonoscopy
• Your bowel must be cleansed in order for colonoscopy to be successful. The Colonoscopy could be done in endoscopy centre or in hospitals, and could select under local anesthesia or monitored anesthetic care. You may also be asked to take laxatives by mouth.
• Patient is required not to eat anything at least 6 hours before the test.
• You must let the doctor know if there is a chance that you might be pregnant.
• You should also inform the doctor of the drugs that you are on, especially drugs that affect your blood glucose levels and clotting.
*According to the Hospital Authority, a total number of 2,138 people died of Colorectal cancer, accounting for 14.9% of all cancer deaths. Also, Colorectal cancer ranked second among all fatal cancers in Hong Kong.
Screening Package Item
Specialist Consultation before Screening
Doctor's Charge for Screening
Day Surgery Centre Fee
Unlimited Polyps Removal & Biopsy (if applicable)
Medical Consumables and Instrument Fee
Biopsy Diagnosis Fee
Intravenous (IV) Sedation Fee
Report with Images
(applicable to Colonoscopy)
Specialist Consultation after Screening and Report Explanation
H. Pylori Quick test
(applicable to Gastroscopy)
Make an Appointment
Making an appointment is quick and convenient. You can contact us via phone or WhatsApp to make an appointment, we will reply as soon as possible and provide a convenient time slot to you for specialist consultation.
Specialist Consultation before Screening
Our specialist will go through your medical record and determine whether you are available for the screening. If you are suitable for the screening, our nurses will make an appointment for you, and explain further for the screening procedure including general reminder, food intake instructions, etc. If it is found that you are not suitable for the screening, you will only need to pay for the specialist consultation, with a discounted price of $800 (original specialist consultation price as $1, 200 - $1,600).
Reminder before Screening
A day ahead of your appointment, our nurse will contact via phone call to remind details about your visit such as time, location, and various reminders. Please follow the food intake instructions, otherwise the screening may not be able to perform.
Day of Screening
On the day of screening, our specialist and nurse will examine your condition to ensure your availability of screening. Generally, gastroscopy takes about 20 – 30 minutes and colonoscopy takes about 30 – 45 minutes. Upon completion of the procedure, you could take a rest in the center until the sedative effect is worn off. You are recommended to be accompanied and leave with a family member or a friend. If there is none of any feelings of drowsiness or nausea, you may resume regular food intake 30 minutes after the procedure. Also, you are recommended not to operate heavy machinery or driving on the date.
Specialist Consultation after Screening and Report Explanation
After the screening, our nurse will contact you and provide a convenient time slot to you for specialist consultation and report explanation. On the consultation date, our specialist will go through the report with you and suggest the relevant treatment if required. The report will be given to you afterwards.
Package of Gastroscopy
Package of Colonoscopy
Package of Colonoscopy & Gastroscopy
Package of Gastroscopy
Discounted Price (HKD)
(with Polyps & Biopsy)
Monitored Anaesthetic Care (MAC),
if required
Package of Colonoscopy
(with Polyps & Biopsy)
Monitored Anaesthetic Care (MAC),
if required
Haemorrhoid Banding
if required
Package of Colonoscopy & Gastroscopy
Colonoscopy & Gastroscopy
(with Polyps & Biopsy)
Monitored Anaesthetic Care (MAC),
if required
Haemorrhoid Banding
if required
• Designated specialist is not applicable
• The package is only applicable to endoscopy in the designated day surgery centre; not applicable to patient who requires hospitalization (e.g. aged persons, or persons with various kinds of chronic diseases)
• Extra fee will be charged if there is any treatment fee or other checking fee during consultation after screening is required
• Amount of polyps removal and biopsy is unlimited
• All prices are for reference only, Chiron Medical may update the fees from time to time. For any enquiries, please contact our clinic staff.